Sunday, August 21, 2011

When a Baby turns 4........

Today our little princess Missy Megan turned 4. She's been counting down the days since we turned the calendar page over to August and was SO EXCITED this weekend.

Here are some snaps from her special occasion:

After last year's 3 attempts at baking a cake, I was determined to do better this year. We had some pretty cool teamwork going on.

Ray & Zac went & bought the new oven & installed it on Sat. Yay!!!!
However, this meant I didn't have a useable oven until 6pm & I had to leave for work at 6:30pm.

So Ray baked the choc cake last night & the vanilla cake when I took the kids to Mass this morning.

I made the pink frosting.

Charlotte decorated the cakes.

Liam had a friend over - that meant he was busy & we weren't tripping over him.

Megan played with her new toys. LOVES her Fisher Price Digital Camera - she has already learned how to video with it as well as take photos.

Family came over & helped eat the cakes!

Happy 4th Birthday baby girl!!!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Awwwww what a gorgeous little tinkerbell x